Cell phone area code for Swiss providers

Cell phone area code for Swiss providers

Would you like to know which city or provider is behind the area code of a certain telephone number in Switzerland? You don't have to look in the Swiss telephone book for the mobile phone area codes and area codes. We have listed all the information you need below.

Which mobile phone number belongs to which mobile provider?

The Swiss mobile prefixes were originally fixed for certain providers. From each area code, you could safely deduce certain mobile phone companies:

075 = Swisscom

076 = Sunrise and the providers Aldie Suisse Mobile, ERA, Lebara Mobile, Ortel Mobile, Quickline Mobile, TalkEasy Mobile, TalkTalk Mobile and yallo

077 = Lycamobile, M-Budget Mobile, Mucho, ok.-mobile and Wingo

078 = Salt Mobile (previously Orange) and the providers CoopMobile and UPC

079 = Swisscom

Since the possibility of number portability has existed, it is no longer possible to say with certainty to which provider (or group of providers) a telephone number belongs. Today, only the subscriber and the provider themselves know for sure.

Area codes in Switzerland

For the fixed network in Switzerland, there were regionally different dialling codes depending on the place of residence. Since it is now also possible to take your telephone number with you in the fixed network, including the area code, it is no longer possible to say with certainty from where you are calling. Nevertheless, in many cases the following list can provide a clue as to where the connection to a particular telephone number is located:

021 Lausanne and large parts of the canton of Vaud

022 Canton Geneva

024 Yverdon-les-Bains and a small part of the canton of Vaud in the surrounding area; also the region of Aigle and a small part of the adjoining Valais

026 Canton Fribourg

027 Canton Valais

031 City of Bern and a small part of Canton Bern in the surrounding area

032 Biel/ Bienne and a large part of Canton Bern in the surrounding area

033 Bernese Oberland

034 Region Bern

041 Central Switzerland (including the canton of Lucerne)

043 Zurich region

044 Zurich region

052 Winterthur and part of Canton Zurich in the surrounding area

055 Rapperswil region

056 Baden region

061 Canton Basel-Stadt

062 Olten region

071 Eastern Switzerland (including St. Gallen and Appenzell)

081 Canton Graubünden

091 Canton Ticino

What prefix does Switzerland have?

If you want to call Switzerland from abroad, you have to dial the international country code of Switzerland 0041. Sometimes the country code is also given as +41. The plus sign serves as an abbreviation for the two zeros before the 41st country code.

The first zero of the domestic area code, for example the code 031 for Bern, must be omitted if you use the country code 0041 from abroad. For example, if you want to call Bern from Germany, you have to dial 0041 31 and then the local number of the connection in Bern. If this number was taken along during a move, you may of course be able to get out in Zurich, Geneva or St. Moritz.

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