Used mobile phones: Is it worth buying refurbed mobile phones?

No question, a new smartphone costs (a lot of) money. While entry-level models are available for as little as CHF 200 or 300, high-end models cost four-figure sums. Apple, for example, has just published the prices for the new iPhone 16. The high-end iPhone 16 Max Pro model with 1 TB of memory costs almost CHF 2,000, depending on the retailer.
Not everyone can afford that. So if you are looking for a high-performance smartphone at a lower price, you can take a look at the so-called ‘refurbed mobile phones’.
What is a refurbished mobile phone?
A refurbished mobile phone is a used smartphone that has been completely overhauled. Many companies now specialise in buying and refurbishing devices. You are not buying the device privately, but from an official provider – warranty and customer service included.
The providers check each appliance individually before selling it and clean it thoroughly. If necessary, the providers will also carry out appropriate repairs. This is because the casing of a used smartphone often has scratches, the display is cracked or the battery needs to be replaced. After inspection, cleaning and repair, the mobile phones are divided into different quality classes.
Some devices offered on the platforms are as good as new. Other mobile phones have more serious signs of use, such as a scratched display. The differences in price can be correspondingly large.
If a mobile phone has significant defects that were not specified, the device can usually be claimed on the platforms. This is a major advantage over buying privately. Used devices can often be bought cheaply from private second-hand platforms. However, guarantee or warranty are excluded in this case.
Used mobile phones are easy on the wallet and the environment
On average, consumers can save around a third on a refurbished mobile phone compared to the new price. However, refurbished mobile phones are not only easy on the wallet, but also on the environment. It is therefore doubly worth taking a look at the devices. After all, many different materials such as copper, tin, iron and rare earth metals are needed to manufacture a smartphone. By buying a used mobile phone, you are not only helping to reduce CO2 emissions, but also reducing electronic waste.
However, what is almost always an issue with a used mobile phone is the battery capacity. In most cases, this is significantly worse than with new devices. This is because not every provider goes to the trouble of replacing the battery.
German Stiftung Warentest tests various platforms for used mobile phones
Stiftung Warentest has tested several portals for used mobile phones. The results were mixed. Some of the devices were in a much better condition than advertised on the website. However, some of the mobile phones were also in a worse condition. According to Stiftung Warentest, good used mobile phones are mainly available on the platforms Back Market, Ebay Refurbished and Rebuy. Some of these platforms even sell used mobile phones with a guarantee.
Buy used iPhones directly from Apple: Is it worth it?
Tech giant Apple not only sells new devices via its own online shop, but also used iPhones. The used devices always come with a new casing and a new battery. According to independent tests, the devices are excellent mobile phones. However, you can save little money with used mobile phones from Apple. Some of the devices are available from other retailers in new condition at a lower price. So you need to take a close look and compare prices. Speaking of comparing prices. This is not only worthwhile when buying devices, but of course also for mobile subscriptions. At you will find a modern comparison platform for mobile subscriptions and find the best tariff for your new mobile phone.